供應(yīng)AppliChem A3672 DMSO 二甲基亞砜
供應(yīng)AppliChem A3672 DMSO 二甲基亞砜
供應(yīng)AppliChem A3672 DMSO 二甲基亞砜
Molecular Formula :C2H6OS
Molar mass:78.13 g/mol
Product Code:? A3672
Product Name:? ?Dimethyl sulfoxide Cell culture grade
Pyrogen test: passes test
Assay (GC): min. 99.5 %
Free acid: max. 0.001 %
Non-volatile matter: max. 0.001 %
Total P: max. 0.00001 %
Total Si: max. 0.00002 %
Water (K.F.): max. 0.1 %
Ca: max. 0.0001 %
Cu: max. 0.00005 %
Fe: max. 0.0001 %
K: max. 0.00005 %
Mg: max. 0.00005 %
Na: max. 0.0002 %
Pb: max. 0.00002 %
Zn: max. 0.00002 %
Freezing of cells for cell culture \:Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is widely used for the freezing of cells in cell culture instead of glycerol. DMSO is added to prevent the formation of ice crystals during the freezing process, otherwise cells would be destroyed. DMSO is commonly used at the concentration of 10%. Please note: DMSO is toxic to cells! Therefore it is advisable to use pre-chilled “freeze medium”. Usually, such freeze medium consists of standard culture medium supplemented with 10% DMSO. Some researchers use 90% serum supplemented with 10% DMSO as freeze medium, which enhances the viability in some cell types. Particular cell types cannot be transferred into liquid nitrogen directly, but are slowly frozen to -70°C in a refrigerator. For very slow cooling of these stocks, cells are frozen well insulated and subsequently transferred to liquid nitrogen. Thawing: For further cultivation thawing should be carried out as quickly as possible. After thawing we recommend to wash the cells in medium or to change the medium the day after plating.