MSB1001 粘性熒光定量封板膜 bio-rad(伯樂)


Choose Microseal ‘B’ Adhesive Sealing Films for all thermal cycling, including real-time PCR and next generation sequencing (NGS) applications. These peelable seals can be used for storage and transport of plates. Perforated end tabs can be removed when using this sealer with automated plate handlers.


-Clear polyester for high sensitivity optical assays

-Suitable for all PCR plates and automated plate handlers

-Low volume PCR — down to 5 μl in 384-well plates, or 10 μl in 96-well plates

-Adhesive effective down to –40°C

-Free of DNase, RNase, and human DNA


BL697A 通用熒光定量PCR試劑盒(ROX單獨包裝)

PP-96-HS-LC480-W 0.1ml 96孔半裙邊PCR板,白色,加強款(適配Roche Light Cycler)

SF-001-UC-100 熒光定量透明封板膜,壓敏,78mm